Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011
Sonntag, 31. Juli 2011
For your glases - Brillenetui
by "Mauerblümchen"
Samstag, 16. Juli 2011
Summer dress 2
by "Maybe Matilda"
Freitag, 15. Juli 2011
Kimono Baby Booties
Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011
Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011
winter dress
Summer dress
by "prudent baby"
Knot Shorts
by "elsie marley"
Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011
Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011
How to: Skirt
Montag, 4. Juli 2011
How to: Family Tree
by "Sew Kate Sew"
Rollie Pollie!
How to: the fishing hole roll
How to: another bib
by "lots of pink here"
I actually posted another great tutorial for bibs a while ago, but those just look so great I could not Not include them in this collection...
Baby Sleep Sacks
How to: Washcloth Puppet
How to: Dino Tail
How to: liitle car race track
How to: hanging crip toy bag
How to: fabric building blocks
by "skip to my lou"
How to: butterfly brooches
How to: felt owl
How to: felt brooch
Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011
How to: Butterfly Mobile
Samstag, 2. Juli 2011
How to: Retro Apron
Fabric flower
Whale Softy
Gretelies bag/purse
Bapron aka Baby Apron
Pencil Case - Mäppchen
Freitag, 1. Juli 2011
Fabric doll house
Felt book for little ones
Fabric magnetic Letter
English Tutorial,
Hedgehog - Igel
really cute, tutorial in french though, but it isn't hard to understand for those who have sewd at least once!
by "creenfantin"
Quiet book for babies
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