Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011

Montag, 4. Juli 2011

How to: Family Tree

Rollie Pollie!

How to: the fishing hole roll

How to: another hanging baskets tutorial

How to: another bib

I actually posted another great tutorial for bibs a while ago, but those just look so great I could not Not include them in this collection...

Baby Sleep Sacks

How to: Washcloth Puppet

How to: Dino Tail

Great site

you can find ALL kinds of bows and how to tie them and and and...

How to: handbag

How to: liitle car race track

How to: hanging crip toy bag

How to: fabric building blocks

How to: butterfly brooches

How to: felt owl

How to: felt brooch

Samstag, 2. Juli 2011

How to: Retro Apron

Pot Holder

Fabric flower

Storage - Aufbewahrung

Whale Softy

Gretelies bag/purse

Bapron aka Baby Apron

Pencil Case - Mäppchen

Freitag, 1. Juli 2011

Fabric doll house

Felt book for little ones

Fabric magnetic Letter

Hedgehog - Igel

really cute, tutorial in french though, but it isn't hard to understand for those who have sewd at least once!


Quiet book for babies

Great blog! All about how to occupy kids...

So this post is about a blog I accidently discovered and I had to stop and take a closer look. Joel offers free coloring sheets he made himself, games to occupy your little ones and other cool stuff. Here's my favourite I discovered so far:

These are "Slotted Building Discs"
Your kids and mine can build different kind of structures with them. 
"It’s surprisingly tricky to build with them, but amazingly addicting"
I'm excited, now I will only have to sew a little "discs bag"

Bird Wings

how absolutely cute is that???

Silhouette Ornaments - Schattenbilder

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